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Release Notes

Mobile Release Notes

Web Release Notes



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with Ride Planner height
  • Fixed issue displaying emoji's and newlines on Events



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some minor UI display issues
  • Fixed some minor subscription issues
  • Fixed several issues that were crashing the app
  • Fixed issues where posts were not being updated properly
  • Standardized dialog boxes across the app

What's New

  • MyRideDNA now displays Events!
  • Added a basic bike Maintenance section
  • New and improved record ride and directions experience
  • New and improved main menu experience
  • Updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service
  • Implemented FREE and HIGH PERFORMANCE edition restrictions



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with uncontrolled navigation clicks in the user profile and atlas page
  • Fixed issue with app crash when editing a waypoint
  • Fixed issue with disappearing link in the RTE when editing existing links



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a link was displaying directly in a Stories from the Road post
  • Updated Distance Units on User Settings page to display full text instead of abbreviated text
  • Fixed syntax issue in the version information on the User Settings page
  • Fixed an issue where the Name field on a ride is clipped



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where multiline messages in chat weren't fully displayed if there was also an image in the same text
  • Fixed an issue where the Garage link on the menu was redirecting to the profile screen instead
  • Fixed an issue where URLs within a post were opening inside the app instead of the device's default browser

What's New

  • Added a 3500 character limit to chat messages
  • Added Resend Account Verification option to login/signup page
  • Updated camara usage dialog when using camera for first time within the app



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate Road Crew members were showing up in a user's profile
  • Updated the email templated used for password resets
  • Fixed the anonymous group name title



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where adding a picture on a Ride or Story doesn't allow you to add more without deleting original
  • Fixed issue where the "More" button to expand text was not very prevalent on descriptions with long blocks of text
  • Fixed issue where group name will now display an ellipses if it's too long
  • Fixed a page navigation issue with chat when clicking on a message notification
  • Fixed issue with links not opening in new tab in the rich text editor
  • Fixed issue where visible html tags were displayed while viewing or editing an image in profile album
  • Fixed a save issue when rearranging waypoints in edit mode



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed styling issue on deleted messages in chat
  • Fixed issue where app was crashing when a new message arrives for a chat that was deleted
  • Fixed issue where images were not saving after creating a ride on the Offers page
  • Fixed issue where bike id was being sent as a filter on the users profile page.
  • Fixed issue where multiple dialog screens loaded if clicking on the same offer more than once.
  • Fixed issue where a ride created via the Offer screen doesn't show the street number, only street name
  • Fixed issue where iOS was displaying the word "text" in notification popups
  • Fixed issue where chat search was not filtering on name
  • Fixed issue where main menu links don't respond to clicks after creating a Ride from the Offers screen

What's New

  • Users now have ability to add hyperlinks and do simple formatting in journal description field
  • Deleted messages now display a delete message instead of just disappearing
  • Rides created via the Offer screen now have the Source starting point as the user's current location



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue displaying emoji's and newlines on Events



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some minor issues related to subscribed/unsubscribed users
  • Fixed issue where radius slider was not the same 'distance units' set in the user settings

What's New

  • MyRideDNA now displays Events!
  • Improved Atlas page
  • User can now collapse Journal Posts in Profile
  • Updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service
  • Implemented FREE and HIGH PERFORMANCE edition restrictions



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where subscription check was causing error
  • Fixed minor styling issues with slider

What's New

  • Distance slider on Atlas page now uses Unit of Measure specified in the user's settings page instead of always in miles



Bug Fixes

  • Nothing this release

What's New

  • Added some minor logging enhancements



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a user wasn't able to open the profile of a Road Crew member
  • Fixed an issue where an invalid profile was erring out instead of redirecting
  • Fixed an issue in the Release Notes page where it wouldn't stay on the selected tab on page refresh

What's New

  • Created a logout page to be redirected to on logout
  • Updated the styling on regular content pages (Eula, Terms of Service, etc...)



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue when user is automatically logged out after inactivity they are not redirected to the login page
  • Fixed issue with 404/500 pages not displaying correctly
  • Fixed issue with html anchor tags displaying in the rich text editor on posts
  • Fixed styling issue on Settings page

What's New

  • New Release Notes page added



Bug Fixes

  • Nothing this release

What's New

  • New look for the user Settings page